Robyn McCloud-Springer
Head of School
Explore 线上买球平台
如果你对培养自信感兴趣, independence, and collaboration in your student, 与教师建立有意义的关系, and joining a diverse, vibrant, and involved community, 线上买球平台 could be the place for your family.
Meet our Head of School
Toddlers in Action
Common Toddler Questions
- What are your program options?
- What is the student-to-teacher ratio?
- How do you handle meals?
- What is the nap schedule?
- How do you handle toileting?
- What is tuition?
- How do I apply for tuition assistance?
- Can I enroll now?
What are your program options?
What is the student-to-teacher ratio?
How do you handle meals?
参加全天核心课程的幼儿 served lunch catered by Food2You and offered snacks. Children in Before School are offered a variety of breakfast foods.
What is the nap schedule?
How do you handle toileting?
在今年年初,大多数幼儿还没有开始使用厕所. Parents provide diapers for use during school. 当孩子们表现出准备时,线上买球平台的老师会帮助他们上厕所.
What is tuition?
How do I apply for tuition assistance?
Can I enroll now?
Sample Toddler Schedule
7:30-8:30 |
Before SchoolOptional breakfast program for Core students |
8:35 |
Arrival |
8:35-8:55 |
Outdoor TimeChildren move, explore, and play outdoors. Indoors in inclement weather. |
9:00-10:45 |
Independent Work Time幼儿在房间里可以自由选择活动. 老师向孩子们展示如何使用材料并鼓励他们自力更生. 社区很重要,全班一起吃点心休息. 他们用上厕所训练来结束自己的独立时间. 数学|语言|文化课|实际生活|感官 |
10:45 |
Line Time孩子们围成一圈进行集体活动. 运动|音乐|歌曲|讲故事|分享|庆典 |
11:30 |
AM Dismissal and Core Lunch只安排在上午的学生将回家. The rest of the class prepares for lunch. Toddlers are provided lunch. |
12:30 |
Rest | Reflection |
1:45 |
Afternoon Work TimeChildren join as they awake to prepare snack, create easel paintings, or select from other activities. |
2:45 |
Line TimeWe end the core day as a classroom community. |
3:00 |
Dismissal |
3:00-6:00 |
After SchoolAfter School旨在通过平衡休息时间来满足孩子们整天在学校的需求, imaginative and outdoor play, as well as special activities. Optional for Core students. |
Early Childhood
Early Childhood in Action
Common Early Childhood Questions
- What is the student-to-teacher ratio?
- 幼儿阶段的学术是什么样子的?
- Why is the Kindergarten year so important?
- How do you handle meals and snack?
- How do you handle nap?
- What is tuition?
- How do I apply for tuition assistance?
- Can I enroll now?
What is the student-to-teacher ratio?
Why is the Kindergarten year so important?
对于五六岁的孩子来说,基亚拉瓦莱幼儿园的一年是一个非常特殊的时期. 线上买球平台的早期儿童项目是一个为期三年的周期, 这意味着幼儿园是一切都汇聚在一起的顶峰年.
Academically and socially, 幼儿园的学生已经准备好接受更多的课程,包括幼儿园课程, Writer’s Workshop, specials, and field trips.
How do you handle meals and snack?
How do you handle nap?
What is tuition?
How do I apply for tuition assistance?
Can I enroll now?
Sample Early Childhood Schedule
7:30-8:30 |
Before SchoolOptional breakfast program for Core students |
8:30 |
Arrival |
8:35-10:45 |
Independent Work Time幼儿期在学生选择学习活动时立即开始行动.k.a. works. 孩子们单独或小组学习,而老师则邀请孩子们接受个性化的课程. 学生们可以为自己准备点心,和朋友聊天,或者从教室到健身房进行运动技能训练. 数学|语言|文化课|实际生活|感官 |
10:45 |
Line Time孩子们围成一圈进行集体活动. 运动|音乐|歌曲|讲故事|分享|庆典 |
11:00 |
Outdoor TimeChildren move, explore, and play outdoors. Indoors in inclement weather. |
11:30 |
AM Dismissal and Core Lunch只安排在上午的学生将回家. The rest of the class prepares for lunch. 幼儿班学生自带无坚果午餐. |
12:30 |
特别节目:艺术、戏剧、图书馆、西班牙语、体育 |
1:15 |
Afternoon Work Time幼儿园有针对性的小组课程来扩展他们的学习. 孩子们观察,准备点心,创作画架绘画,或者从其他活动中选择. Younger children join as they awake. |
2:45 |
Line TimeWe end the core day as a classroom community. |
3:00 |
Dismissal |
3:00-6:00 |
After School Program and ExtracurricularsAfter School旨在通过平衡休息时间来满足孩子们整天在学校的需求, imaginative and outdoor play, as well as special activities. Optional for Core students. |
Elementary in Action
这些视频展示了小学生在一个典型的3小时工作的早晨. In the flow of the morning, students gather for lessons, work independently or in small groups, and transition between tasks. 行动自由是蒙台梭利教室的关键组成部分.
一个目标是让学生自信地完成一个完整的工作周期. 这意味着学生知道已经呈现了哪些课程, can independently choose a work, lay out and complete the activity, then document it in a recording notebook, and clean up. 他们在线上买球平台持续多年的实践是为什么这么多高中老师和指导顾问谈论线上买球平台的毕业生管理时间和工作的能力,以及作为学习者为自己辩护的能力的一个原因.
Common Elementary Questions
- What are your program options?
- 小学阶段的学者是什么样的?
- Do you offer extracurriculars and athletics?
- Where do your graduates go?
- What is tuition?
- How do I apply for tuition assistance?
- Can I enroll now?
What are your program options?
School is open from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. We offer before and after school as well as extracurricular options and athletics. 可以找到特定于程序的基本细节 here.
在蒙台梭利环境中,你有三个小时的工作时间,孩子们独立工作,与合作伙伴或小组一起学习,与老师一起学习目标清单, called a work plan, 作为参与课程的路线图.
蒙台梭利启发内在动机和选择, 所以学生们从一开始就更投入到他们所学的东西中,因为他们可以和同龄人一起学习.
使其成为可能的部分原因是最初的期望和教室设置, 但这种平衡也涉及自由和责任. 线上买球平台希望学生在工作时间工作. 线上买球平台还预计他们会休息一下.
线上买球平台的老师正试图让学生深入学习, 他们很投入,很兴奋,并保持这种状态,随着时间的推移,他们会建立起耐力.
基础学术课程信息可在 here.
有关特定程序选项的详细信息可在此找到 here.
Do you offer extracurriculars and athletics?
Absolutely. 线上买球平台小学和中学的学生深入挖掘个人兴趣领域,包括艺术, drama, drumming, coding, and chess, as well as sports like spring and fall running, volleyball, and basketball. 从幼儿园开始,就有有限的课外选择.
Where do your graduates go?
线上买球平台的毕业生成长为了不起的成年人和富有同情心的成功者. From here, 他们继续上各种公立和私立高中, 然后在大型研究型大学继续他们的教育, liberal arts colleges, and other institutions.
What is tuition?
How do I apply for tuition assistance?
Can I enroll now?
Sample Elementary Schedule
7:30-8:30 |
Before SchoolOptional breakfast program |
8:20 |
Arrival |
8:30-11:35 |
Independent Work Time and Lessons三小时不间断的工作时间是蒙台梭利的核心原则, which promotes deep learning, academic engagement, and time management skills. 学生们从概述个人目标的工作计划中学习. 教师通过给不同年龄组的学生上课来区分学生. 学生们学会平衡需要几天(或几周)才能完成的大项目和一次就能完成的小任务. 他们获得了冒险去图书馆的自由, Garden, and Da Vinci Studio to research, explore, 并为他们的学习创造艺术延伸. 在进入下一个学术挑战之前,朋友们可以休息一下,吃点从家里带来的零食,聊聊天. 数学|语言|文化课|实践生活 |
11:35 |
Recess and LunchStudents bring their own nut-free lunch, eating café style, 练习餐桌礼仪和谈话技巧. 在恶劣的天气,室内休息包括健身房的选择. |
12:45 | D.E.A.R. | a.k.a. Drop Everything And Read |
1:15 |
Afternoon Work Time and Specials学生培养读写能力,探索跨学科艺术. 朗读|作家工作坊|西班牙语|美术|戏剧|音乐|体育 |
2:30 |
Line Time | Peace Council | Community Meeting线上买球平台建立社区和发展个人的社会情感和解决问题的能力,因为线上买球平台提倡线上买球平台所珍视的价值观:包容性, acceptance, compassion, kindness, and respect. 每周五,从幼儿园到八年级的学生都要召开一次会议. |
3:00 |
Dismissal |
3:00-6:00 |
课后计划,体育和课外活动课后课程包括在监督下的选择, relaxed, and purposeful, indoor and outdoor activities. 校际体育运动从小学高年级开始. Extracurricular classes, which are available at an extra cost, 让学生从艺术中发掘自己的兴趣, cooking, and coding to dance, drama, chess, and more. Optional |
Middle School
Middle School in Action
Sample Middle School Schedule
8:15-8:25 |
Arrival |
8:30-8:55 |
Morning Meeting | Peace Council | Advisory |
9:00-9:55 |
SpecialsStudents explore interdisciplinary arts. Drama | Art | PE |
10:00-10:50 |
Math or Language Arts学生们被分配学习数学或语言艺术. Math | Language | Independent Work Time |
11:00-11:50 |
Math or Language Arts学生们被分配学习数学或语言艺术. Math | Language | Independent Work Time |
11:50-12:45 |
Recess and LunchStudents bring their own nut-free lunch, eating café style, 练习餐桌礼仪和谈话技巧. 在恶劣的天气,室内休息包括健身房的选择. |
12:50-1:45 |
Natural or Social World学生被分配到自然世界(科学)或社会世界(历史/社会科学)和生活技能(生活技能), health, or equity lesson 3x/week). Natural World | Social World | Life Skills |
1:50-2:45 |
Spanish or Work Time学生有西班牙语教学或有独立的工作时间和数学支持. 每周五,从幼儿园到八年级的学生都要召开一次会议. Spanish | Independent Work Time | Math Support |
2:50-3:00 |
Dismissal |
3:00-6:00 |
Athletics and Extracurriculars校际体育运动从小学高年级开始. Extracurricular classes, which are available at an extra cost, 让学生在烹饪中探索自己的兴趣, art, and coding to dance, drama, sports, and more. Optional.